Sunday, 18 January 2015

Teen talk

School essentials


In a recent blog post I mentioned a school survival kit so in this post I'm going to make it a little different and do my school bag essentials.

1.lip balm. OMG! As we are in winter my lips have been getting so dry so I will always carry a lip cream. I recommend the Papaya gold paw paw lip balm which I purchased from tesco. phone. This is kind of obvious but I wouldn't be able to live without it. We're not aloud it out but I still bring it for on the bus.

3.feminine products. You know what I mean. Just in case you start of you have started. purse. With money in because you never know when you need money. 

5.a small perfume. after p.e when you smell you will be saved. i would die without it.

6. a note book. especially if you have a blog. ideas can come at the weirdest time and its nice to not have to worry about forgetting them.

hope this helps. :)

teen talk over

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Teen talk

Random chatting!!


Sorry! I have already failed at doing 3posts a week on my blog. I'm gonna try it again in February as I go on a week school holiday so I might be able to get some written then. I'm sorry that I was such a fail for this month but it was hard and school has been stressful. 

Do you have any suggestions of what blog posts you want me to do? Such as school survival bag which I'll probably do any way.

I also wanted to say Thank you to as she has been so supportive and helped to build my confidence that this blog is interesting. So please go check out her blog as its AMAZING!! 

Sorry for the random and rubbish blog but love you xx

Teen talk over

Thursday, 8 January 2015

teen talk

annoying things about school


today i'm going to talk to you about annoying things about school. i feel like when you go back to school after a great holiday all the annoying things about school seem to stand out even more so i thought i would do a post on it. btw i'm going to be doing a current favourites post but its just talking time to write and i thought as a post is due id do this.

1)people who walk mega slow in the hallways. its not just that but usually they are in massive group blocking the WHOLE hall!! they don't pay any consideration to the fact that you've got to walk from one side of the school to the other.

2)teachers who tell you to be quiet and get on with your work but they talk the whole time your doing it. they are like 'actually i just want to distract this person so i can make them not finish and have them in for lunch'.

3)people who walk around and think they're 'it'. like move out the way because i'm on the wrong side of the hall and more important than you.grrrr.

4)when you hand in homework late and the teachers act like its a crime but then they don't mark your book from the work you did a month ago.

5)when people hang around at the toilets. i mean 
1)its unhygienic
2)it makes you feel uncomfortable 
3)they block the whole bathroom.

that was just 5 of the things that annoy me about school (my list could go on forever). i hope you enjoyed it. i would love to hear some of yours. 

teen talk over.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

how to relax

teen talk

how to relax


Thank you the people who have been really supportive and have been leaving nice comments as it makes me want to continue blogging.

sometimes when you have had a stressful day you feel you need to relax but you feel like you can't. today i'm going to tell you how to.

*take a long hot bath. This makes me feel instantly relaxed and I love having it with a lush bath bomb as this also moisturises your skin and makes you smell delicious.

*have a drink such as a hot chocolate or a fruit tea. to me this makes me relaxed and want to just sit on the couch and watch tv or a movie. if this doesn't work try having a drink that does calm you such as water or fizzy pop.

*listen to music. if like me you love to listen to music this will calm you as its something you love to do. put on your favourite track wether thats rock or pop and listen to it. personally I like to listen to it with head phones in but if you like you can listen to it out loud.     

*sleep. sleeping helps for me as you forget about being stressed for a little while.its really nice after doing all of the above to then go and have a nice sleep as you wake up feeling refreshed and forget why your stressed.

i hope this helps:)

teen talk over.

p.s if you have any requests on what to write about i would love to hear them.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

teen talk

bucket list


first of all thank you to teenage blogger central as they mentioned my blog and now a few people have been viewing my blog. It makes me feel better to know that someone out there is actually reading what I have been writing. So if anyone out there is looking for somewhere that can make your blog get noticed I would really recommend it.

Now into what I'm actually going to talk about today is my bucket list. This is the top 10 things that I would like to do at some point in my life.There is a longer edition but I thought I'd just do my top 10. the world
2.Go to New York at Christmas time
3.Ride in a hot air balloon
4.Get married 
5.donate blood as much as possible
6.Go to Disney world some of my idols
8.Go in a helicopter 
9.Sky dive
10.add a lock To lovers bridge 

Thank you for reading.

Teen talk over.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

happy new year !!!!



Hello !!!

Every year I make up the same old new years resolutions that I never stick to and then I feel down that I haven't stuck to them.So I decided to take a little tip from Zoella's book 'girl online' (I promise i'm not sponsored by the book I just really like it)the tip was- just make up 3 resolutions and theres more of a chance that you'll be able to succeed. so my resolutions are...
-get healthier 
-be happy
-and believe in myself.

I would love to hear your resolutions in the comments.

teen talk over

(p.s I will be hopefuly blogging 3 times a week in January)